Partnerships that Promote Health and Wellness
Creating value for years to come in northern Alberta
Canadian Natural has proudly supported the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital Foundation with $750,000 for their new regional hospital and cancer centre. The funds were placed in an endowment fund that will be used to purchase equipment in perpetuity, allowing Canadian Natural to give back year after year.
Grande Prairie Regional Hospital opened to the public in 2021. It features single in-patient rooms, an education facility for training nurses and other healthcare professionals, a state-of-the-art cancer centre, outpatient programs and a five-story parkade.
A fresh start
Since 2014, Canadian Natural has been supporting the Fresh Start Recovery Centre in Alberta. Fresh Start Recovery is a residential, long-term treatment program for people with substance addiction. It’s goal is to send parents back to their kids, sons and daughters back to their families, and to restore people back into community.
As its first long-term corporate donor, Canadian Natural has supported Fresh Start Recovery Centre in providing addiction treatment services to Indigenous men, helping 81 participants complete the recovery program to date.
Supporting small villages and families in Africa
Canadian Natural’s operations in offshore Côte d’Ivoire (CDI) are located roughly 60 kilometres southwest of the city of Abidjan, CDI’s commercial centre. Natural gas from our Espoir and Baobab operations is a source of electricity in the country. We support local communities in CDI through different social projects aimed at improving quality of life, including schools and hospitals, and helping local families.
Our Abidjan Donation Committee continues to coordinate employee initiatives to assist different organizations. In 2020, we supported the University Hospital Center of Cocody Burn Unit, the Abidjan Heart Disease Institute and the University Hospital Center of Yopougon in CDI.
The Yopougon centre supports the health system in the prevention and treatment of renal pathologies. Canadian Natural also donated 250,000 masks to CDI medical staff and public.
Safety beyond our worksites
The safety of the people we work with, their families and neighbours, is a shared core value for our Company and the communities where we work. We are proud to work with local first responders, to help provide a safe environment in our operating areas. Every year, we support fire departments and their exceptional work in these communities by contributing to efforts focused on updating facilities and equipment, and enhancing training and emergency services for the long-term safety of community residents.
Canadian Natural has been a supporter of STARS for more than 30 years, with $3.8 million donated to date, helping provide transport and coordinated care for critically ill and injured patients throughout Western Canada. We also support HALO Air Ambulance, the only medevac helicopter dedicated to serving southern Alberta.