More Than 1 Million Trees Planted at Albian
The Reclamation team at Albian reached an important milestone in 2020, when the one millionth reclamation tree was placed in the ground. It was planted in the South Extension Area (SEA) of the Muskeg River Mine’s external tailings facility. A small ceremony was held at the planting site to celebrate the occasion, which included several members of Albian staff and Jay Froc, Senior Vice-President, Oil Sands Mining and Upgrading.
The trees are the major, long-term life form on the landscape and key to our reclamation strategies. They retain moisture, reduce erosion, shade unwanted weeds, attract birds and wildlife (that in-turn bring native plants to the landscape), provide nesting opportunities, and attract environmentally beneficial insects and fungus.
The million mark in reclamation tree planting has been achieved at both our major oil sands mining operations. Horizon hit the milestone in 2018 and has now planted more than 1.5 million reclamation trees.